The excellent freshness of our Top Line. This is Loison’s line of excellence as it features carefully selected premium ingredients bearing the controlled designation of origin label. The basic ingredients of the top line, including eggs from safe farms, milk, butter and cream produced in the mountains of italy, are all fresh. The rest of our ingredients are selected from the best that our country has to offer. Superfine flour, to top-grade italian sugar, artisanal sea salt from cervia and special aromatic products are all selected with great care and creativity. Linea Top, eccellente freschezza. Rappresenta l’eccellenza di casa Loison e si distingue per la scelta di ingredienti pregiati. Tutti con certificazione di origine controllata. Gli elementi di base come uova da galline allevate a terra, latte, burro e panna di montagna, nella linea top sono freschi. Gli altri vengono selezionati in base alle eccellenze territoriali: dal fior di farina allo zucchero italiano, dal sale marino integrale di cervia ai preziosi ingredienti aromatici, valutati con estrema cura e creatività. Our Classico a.D. 1476 variety of Panettone combines lightness with goodness: its soft and fragrant sponge is full of candied peel of oranges from Sicily and citrons from Diamante, Calabria. Our craft Panettone is further enriched with the best and sweetest sultana raisins and is flavored with Mananara vanilla from Madagascar (a Slow Food Presidium). This classic flavor is the one that best represents our baking tradition.
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