-- How many times do you go to the driving range alone? -- Over the years, how may range balls have you hit and have no idea what you did wrong or what you swing looks like? --This cell phone holder definitely makes you a better golfer to see your swing. 1. Great way to record your golf swing anytime, without asking someone to record it for you.2. Easy to setup, use and adjust -- Clips on easily to an alignment stick and holds any smartphones securely, give the best perspective to record.3. Rotate it and record in portrait or landscape mode, and allows you to use the front or rear facing camera to record golf swing.4. Sturdy enough to not shake too much on wind nor drop the phone, so you don't have to worry about videos shaking EVER!5. It's light and convenient, easily store them in your golf bag. AND if you break the phone holder, tell us and we'll send you a new one!Highly recommend to anyone looking to improve their golf swing and game. No more trying to find someone to video your swing.
1 week ago
2 days ago